Wouldn’t you know it? After “only” having a cactus needle in my thumb, then real troubles started. Nothing serious, but more costly for sure. I am just glad they were all impersonal (mechanical/electronic) problems. I’d much rather replace a broken washing machine than to try to fix a relationship rift. Wouldn’t you?
This week I thought I would share with you my list of things to pray for my friends on the field. Feel free to share this with your friends and family back home. If you find something I have omitted, please add to the list in the comment section. These are in random order.
- Encouragement in God's Word daily
- Evidence of spiritual fruit being produced
- Genuine love and compassion for the people
- Satisfaction of accomplishing each task she is called to do
- Someone to call a friend, to share burdens
- Grace in family relationships
- Clear communication with supporters and home office
- Unity with coworkers
- Adequate medical care when needed
- Flexibility
- Wisdom in setting priorities and diligence in keeping them
- Finances
- To remain hidden from the enemy
- Adjustment/ continual readjustment to the culture
- Salvation for unsaved loved ones
- To not weary in well-doing
- Willingness to suffer when needed - keeping eyes on the unseen reward
- Cheerfully making necessary sacrifices
- Victory over daily annoyances (noise, dirt, unreliable amenities, lack of conveniences, etc.)
- Good relationships with local authorities (if applicable)
- Energy, endurance
- Spiritual renewal
- Awareness, repentance, and freedom from besetting sins
- To pray without ceasing
- Rejoice in all circumstances
- Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
- Daily needs (devotional time, rest, diet, exercise, solitude, companionship, etc.)
- Discernment and diplomacy to proclaim the truth
- Passion for serving others
- Emotional stability
- Health and safety of family on the field and of grown children / aging parents in the home country
- Protection in travel
- Hidden treasures: daily reminders of God's love, mercy, and grace
- Balance of responsibilities (family and ministry outside the home)
- Provision of educational needs for children, particularly those with special needs
Don’t forget to submit your "Ask Jamie Jo" questions for next week’s blog (see sidebar for details)!