The question, just to get you thinking, is this:
"How do you respond when your closest friends and your own family seemingly do not support your ministry?"
Mind you, the question is not necessarily about finances, but also in prayerful support, visits, and emails. Each of these could take up a whole blog post. What I want to somehow acknowledge is that yes, it hurts when we have certain expectations that are not met. It would be easy to give some platitude about "trusting God and looking to Him alone" or to just be silly and quote a phrase I heard from a movie I never saw: "Maybe they're just not that into you." However neither of these approaches quite address the issue.
A friend just recently told me about the frustration of sending emails before a furlough asking people to let her know if they want to get together while she is home. Then no one responds. How can that not be received as a personal wound? We could explore lots of reasons why people don't call, don't write, don't offer hospitality, don't give a love offering or pledge monthly support. We could give all our friends the benefit of the doubt, saying each one has their own ministries stateside, or outside ministries they support, but does that erase the effect on our hearts?
What about when you desperately need a certain amount of money for a critical need, and you think you have plenty of friends that surely would each give a small amount until the need is met, and then no one does? How do you keep trusting God and not feel resentful that people do not respond? They don't send an email assuring you of prayers, they don't send a check, and in fact you wonder if they even read your emails. For many of us, this is reality.
We all have seen what loving supportive friends look like, and we all long for that. Some of us are blessed with a bunch of them. Others are not.
I'd like to hear from your own experience on this subject. Feel free to write your story anonymously in care of our editor, Cindy.
What about when you desperately need a certain amount of money for a critical need, and you think you have plenty of friends that surely would each give a small amount until the need is met, and then no one does? How do you keep trusting God and not feel resentful that people do not respond? They don't send an email assuring you of prayers, they don't send a check, and in fact you wonder if they even read your emails. For many of us, this is reality.
We all have seen what loving supportive friends look like, and we all long for that. Some of us are blessed with a bunch of them. Others are not.
I'd like to hear from your own experience on this subject. Feel free to write your story anonymously in care of our editor, Cindy.
IRL*sometimes the closest to you can seem the most distant.