Do you want to know how I spent my weekend when I wasnʼt killing flies, lighting candles, and sweeping up the dust and debris?
On Saturday I spent hours of glorious solitude (after successfully ridding my room of the kids with the old “Go ask your dad!” trick)... Are you ready for this? After watching videos of the royal wedding, I spent my weekend reading blogs.
Since apparently I am still at a loss for any personal lessons learned from my current trials (besides perseverance), I thought Iʼd share the wisdom of some fellow bloggers.
Criticizing our hosts or learning from them? From a blog called Olive Tree: Growing Green in God’s House.
Criticizing our hosts or learning from them? From a blog called Olive Tree: Growing Green in God’s House.
Swimming in New Waters by Marilyn Yocum (... fighting procrastination … or at least thinking about it). Don’t you love her byline? Here is a poignant quote from this particular post:
TRUE ‘culture shock’ occurs -
I learned at a conference in February -
when you are in that new and unfamiliar place,
when you are there to stay
and are not returning (at least any time soon),
when it is your new dwelling place
and you must learn to swim in new waters.
There is no
holding your breath until it’s over,
so you better learn to breathe
in the midst of it.
I learned at a conference in February -
when you are in that new and unfamiliar place,
when you are there to stay
and are not returning (at least any time soon),
when it is your new dwelling place
and you must learn to swim in new waters.
There is no
holding your breath until it’s over,
so you better learn to breathe
in the midst of it.
(That’s what I’m learning about stinko houses; you can’t hold your breath forever!)
Belonging by Inky’Spot (Musings of a Missionary Mom), an IRL friend of mine here. One quote from her that sticks in my mind: Two plus years living here does not a man from the pueblo make.
Polarized Lenses, from a blog called Joy’s Graffiti (Count it all, Joy) by another IRL friend in Mexico, a mom raising a special needs adopted son on the mission field.
The could’a, would’a, should’a game from a blog called The River into Words (… a journey from safety to risk, and all places in between …). The title says a lot, doesn’t it?
We call it good by Koodaigirl (… simple thoughts from one of God’s girls).
Living a Powerful Story: Being Myself from a friend whose blog title I love: Sitting on a Cactus Smiling ... (Life… its joys, pains, pressures, blessings sometimes feels like sitting on a cactus smiling … observing life through the window of my heart.)
My Life as a Tour Guide by A Common Woman (living an uncommon life). This one cracked me up. I’ve been there, done that one many times, answering the same exact questions over and over, never knowing the real answer, but trying to sound like the expert people expect me to be.
And last, but not least, I’ve enjoyed reading the new Yellow Dress WOTH blog. I highly recommend you add her to your blog list.
In case I need a harmless diversion next week, please leave me a comment linking some helpful or humorous blog that you enjoy. If you are a blogger yourself, feel free to link a particular post you’ve written that you would be willing to share.
My Life as a Tour Guide by A Common Woman (living an uncommon life). This one cracked me up. I’ve been there, done that one many times, answering the same exact questions over and over, never knowing the real answer, but trying to sound like the expert people expect me to be.
And last, but not least, I’ve enjoyed reading the new Yellow Dress WOTH blog. I highly recommend you add her to your blog list.
In case I need a harmless diversion next week, please leave me a comment linking some helpful or humorous blog that you enjoy. If you are a blogger yourself, feel free to link a particular post you’ve written that you would be willing to share.
IRL*sharing our lives, one post at a time.
I love reading new blogs! That sounds like a wonderful escape from your present difficult circumstances!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recommendations. The culture shock quote was particularly poignant.
Thanks, Susan. And for the record, the weather turned really COOL yesterday, making a liar out of me after I submitted this to the editor. THANK YOU, LORD!
ReplyDeleteHopefully ladies will click on your name to find your blog. You know I hang out there, too, for a diversion.
Bless your heart, Jamie Jo. I hope the plumbing gets straightened out at your house soon, otherwise you're going to need more than a few hours of glorious solitude reading blogs! (Or I certainly would.)
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping your sense of humor and for sharing it and the blog links with us.
So glad you had some hours of solitude! Thanks so much for sharing the blog links. I'm looking forward to reading your recommendations.
ReplyDeleteThanks, y'all. I mean, you're welcome.
ReplyDeleteI know you will enjoy these other blogs. So... how about some suggestions for me???
Thanks for those recommendations, Jamie Jo. The definiton of true culture shock is so accurate. I can't remember if I told you but when I first arrived in S. America with SIL back in 1976, I plotted my escape. I figured if I walked down to the hangar and demanded someone fly me out of there, they'd refuse to do so, so instead, it occurred to me that I could walk from S. America, through Central America, Mexico, California, Oregon, and back home to Washington! (Eventually, within a few weeks, I fell in love with the place and didn't want to leave.)
ReplyDeleteYou say you're looking for another blog place to hang out, so here's a link to my new blog, Spiritual Memoirs 101 at http://www.spiritualmemoirs101.blogspot.com
I know you have lots and lots of important stories to tell, and you're already a gifted writer. Thanks for your blessings to those of us who read your blog!
I've been on a "nothing to blog" stretch too. Hope the plumbing situation gets fixed soon!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ellie. Hope you're back to writing soon, too.
ReplyDeleteLinda, I now have plenty of new cyber hangouts thanks to your writing blog and all the further suggestions there. With that and the WOTH writer's blog, I will also have lots of motivation and many fresh ideas. Bless you for these tips.
And we can all relate to the occasional desire to run away from home, can't we?