When my dmil* (refer to Jamie-Jo Speak in sidebar) suffered a stroke a few months ago, we got the news right away. Dbil* was able to make a local call from Ohio to our Lingo phone here in Mexico and keep us in the loop. We can make weekly calls to dmil even though she has no Internet access.
In the fall I used Skype to connect with my daughter before visiting her in California. She had not been home for ten months and wanted me to bring some clothes and keepsakes she had left behind. Using the web cam, I walked through her room and showed her each item in her drawer and closet while she instructed me whether to pack it, store it, or donate it to the “missionary boutique.” I felt like the thoroughly modern mother.
Taking my techy side up a notch, last week I attended my first ever Cyber Bridal Shower. My ddil*-to-be (my son’s future bride) attended a bridal shower at her home church in Wisconsin. So I wouldn’t feel left out, she put a computer right on the gift table and then called me on Skype. Via web cam, I could watch her open all her presents. We chatted back and forth—almost like we were in the same room. I met some of her friends and relatives and even one of her bridesmaids. All via computer. How cool is that?
Another way we enjoy this technology is on Cyber Sundays. Each week we download sermons from our kids’ church in Simi Valley, California, where they are attending Eternity Bible College. We invite other English speakers to our house to watch podcast sermons of Francis Chan and other good preachers—the same sermons my son and daughter watched live the week before.
Lastly, we’ve also used technology to connect with supporting churches. Once we had a long-distance, live interview with a pastor who wanted to introduce us to the congregation. That was the simplest meeting we ever attended. All we did was straighten up the room, make sure the lighting was adequate, plug in the microphone and web cam, and then visit with the pastor as we were broadcast on a big screen. From Mexico. It boggles the brain.
In some of my imaginary time travels I see myself listening to “goo-goo, ga-ga” and talking baby talk with my yet unborn grandchildren sitting on their mothers’ laps watching me on a computer screen. It’s not the same as living in the same town with loved ones, but it sure is a nice consolation.
I just love the possibilities for staying in touch. Thank you, Lord, for technology!
IRL* Let's put our techy, digital side to work and participate in the contest...
Win a $15 iTunes gift card by submitting a fun photo depicting the clash of living in the 21st century while living in your global community.

Submit your photo to editor@womenoftheharvest.com by next Monday, March 29 @ 10:00 am (MST). We’ll post the photos and then vote on our favorite one!
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